Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pray with Faith

It was fun to find that this topic is a heading in "Preach My Gospel". It teaches how to pray and what to pray for...But before I dive into that, I thought I'd back up and study the chapter in which I found the pray with faith section: "Recognize the Spirit". Since this is a key to prayer.

The first personal study activity in the chapter is to: "Read Moroni 10 and write in your own words what Moroni exhorts the reader of the Book of Mormon to do."

1 - Ponder the scriptures from the beginning of the Earth until now. Think of how merciful the Lord has been to His children. (I thought of how he sends prophets to teach us and to warn us. The Lord gives us time to repent.)
2 - Sincerely ask Heavenly Father if the words in the Book of Mormon are true. In order to receive an answer you must have faith that Heavenly Father will let you know if they are true. The answer is going to come through the Holy Ghost because that is how you can know if anything is true. I think he gives a clue for how to recognize the Holy Ghost in verse 6. He says, "whatsoever thing is good is just and true; wherefore, nothing that is good denieth the Christ, but acknowledgeth that he is."
3 - Do not deny the power of God. His power has been manifested through the Holy Ghost throughout the history of the Earth.
4 - Do not deny the gifts of God that are given to man for man's benefit.
5 - Remember that every good gift comes from Christ.
6 - The Lord is and has been the same throughout time. His gifts will stay with us as long as we have faith in him. If you have faith, you also need hope and charity. All three are essential. If you die in your sins, you cannot be saved.
7 - Remember all this. Soon enough you will die and be at the bar of God where the Lord will ask - "Didn't I tell you these things through Moroni? They are true."
8 - Come unto Christ and seek every good gift and don't even touch the ones that are not good.

[Verses 32-33 are a good explanation of how we are saved by grace and what that means - maybe a later study.]

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